Monday, May 25, 2009

Don't call me; I'll call you

My sister told me recently that she'll know she's really getting really old when her kids start calling her every day. Which, of course, is very funny since we're always saying to each other that we rarely speak to our kids unless we do the calling. I have one son who calls me about every 6 or 7 weeks and tries to time it when he knows I won't answer my home phone. This way he can leave a message and doesn't have to hear how I'm doing. He just always assumes I'm okay; if not, he'll hear from his brother or sister otherwise. And my sister is so right. Because I used to make my perfunctory phone calls to my parents once a week when they lived in Florida. But once we moved my mom out here to California in her 90s, I was calling her every day. So for right now, I just giggle from the fact that my kids have their own lives, are busy working, driving their kids everywhere, cleaning the house etc. and it's hard to take the time to make small talk with me. And I'm content with knowing that I'm still able enough to call them and not have to wait for them to call me.


Susie Lubell said...

I'm trying to think of a song from man of Lamancha to parody but nothing's coming...I'll call you later.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back and ranting or whatever. I started a blog about the same time you did, and stopped after one entry. Not for me, I guess, so I'm glad you are back to sharing your thoughts with us "thoughtless" folks.
Grandma S. had to get shingles for N. to start calling her every day.
Better to be called once a week.
Love, Desert Savta