Tuesday, August 25, 2009

El Pollo Poco II

Did you all see the "El Pollo Poco" advertisement tonight where the Latino sings his song and shows you all the food you can get on the dollar menu? The loco salad was not only filled to the top, but it was spilling over. What a joke!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Standing on the shoulders of my sister

Last night when I was talking to my sister we were joking around about having massages/facials when I go to N.Y. in two weeks. (We won't do it, but we were just talking about it.) So my sister said that every time she goes for a massage, the masseuse tells her to relax her body and relax her shoulders. She returns with,"But I am relaxed." The masseuse tells her she's not relaxed enough. Which is one of the reasons I never have massages, because I can't stand some bitty telling me to relax. My first date told me to relax, my friends tell me to relax, my co-workers have always told me to relax etc. Hey everyone, this is it. I don't get any more relaxed than how you see me. My state of being is perpetual fluctuation and that's the way it is. It's inherited! So I added to my sister's comments that every time I have a new grandchild and one of my kids takes a picture of me holding the new baby, my shoulders are never "at ease." They're always up by my ears. It's pretty funny to see in pictures. You'd think that after giving birth to 3 kids and having 4 grandchildren, that my shoulders wouldn't be standing at attention anymore.

El Pollo Poco

Well, my heart is hardened enough like the Pharoah that I think I'm through with El Pollo Loco! I have been buying dinners from that take out restaurant for close to 20 years now at least a few times a week. But the last two times I've been there, their wonderful chips have been stale and the four Loco salads I ordered last night were only 1/3 full! Granted they are each $1.00 and it makes a nice accompaniment for a main course or for lunch the next day with tuna fish in it. But I feel like a got a quarter's worth of shredded lettuce. My salads last night and tonight were finished with 2 1/2 bites.

So bye bye Pollo Poco. If you are "loco" enough to scrimp on your salad and take advantage of a drive by consumer, I am "stoico" enough to find another take out restaurant donde "poco" esta un chiste y "grande" existe.